
I'm a consumer psychologist who tests fundamental assumptions about marketing

McManus, Justin F. and Carvalho, Sergio W. (2022)

Consumers’ Love for Technological Gadgets is Linked to Personal Growth

Personality and Individual Differences 194, 111637. 

McManus, Justin. F, Sergio W. Carvalho, and Valerie Trifts (2021)

The Role of Brand Personality in the Formation of Consumer Affect and Self-brand Connection

Journal of Product and Brand Management
31(4), 551-569. 

McManus, Justin. F, Sergio W. Carvalho, and Valerie Trifts (2020)

The Relationship between Fixed Mindsets, Brand-self Engagement, and Brand Favorability

Personality and Individual Differences,
166, 110198.

Hingston, Sean T., Justin F. McManus and Theodore J. Noseworthy

How Inferred Contagion Biases Dispositional Judgments of Others

Journal of Consumer Psychology,
27(2), 195-206

Sztainert, Travis, Michael J. A. Wohl, Justin F. McManus and John Stead (2014)

On Being Attracted to the Possibility of a Win: Reward Sensitivity (via Gambling Motives) Undermines Treatment Seeking among Pathological Gamblers

Journal of Gambling Studies
30(4), 901-911