YouTube video maker
Create high quality YouTube videos online with ready-to-use video templates, free stock music and stickers.

Bring your stories to life
Editable YouTube templates
From YouTube intros to ‘like and subscribe’ templates, we have editable video templates to suit every YouTube video need. Simply drag, drop, and swap in your own footage into the pre-designed templates to make eye-catching content—no experience required.
Royalty-free stock library
Explore high quality stock videos, music, and video elements to build a video from scratch or enhance your content. Search our intuitive content library to find HD videos, original stickers, sound effects and more must-haves for YouTube videos.
YouTube-friendly editing tools
Create branded videos with your logo, custom font and colors. Plus, enjoy AI-powered tools like AI voiceover generator in 400 voices or the subtitle and transcript generator in 140 languages to make your videos engaging and accessible in a click.
How to make YouTube videos in Clipchamp
- 1
Upload your videos or choose a video template
- 2
Crop or trim the video as needed
- 3
Add text, transitions, effects, and music
- 4
Generate voiceover, subtitles and transcript
- 5
Save in 1080p HD

Enhance your YouTube storytelling
Create viral-worthy content with emojis, trending GIFs and original stickers.
Engage viewers with a pro YouTube channel outro, reminding them to like, subscribe and explore your channel.

Create entertaining gaming videos
Record your gameplay seamlessly with screen and camera recorder and edit side-by-side.
Make highlight videos in any aspect ratio to entertain your viewers on YouTube Shorts.

Make eye-catching videos for business
Build brand awareness with a consistent look and feel using your logo and colors.
Create visually stunning promo videos highlighting new launches and customer testimonials.

Read our related guides
How to edit YouTube reaction videos
How to create a YouTube thumbnail that gets clicks
Watch video editing tutorials
Continue learning how to make amazing YouTube videos with our easy online video editor.
Frequently asked questions
Which browsers does Clipchamp work in?
Can I save a video in 1080p HD?
Is Clipchamp promo video maker free?
Do Clipchamp videos have a watermark?
Can you upload multiple videos to YouTube from Clipchamp?
Can I add YouTube tags when uploading from Clipchamp?
Why does my Clipchamp video get a copyright warning on YouTube or other sites?