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6 Internal communication video ideas to help your business 

Posted May 17, 2022
Written by Clipchamp

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Internal communication videos might just be the solution you’re looking to improve the employee experience and increase engagement in your company.  

Six types of internal communication videos to help your business CC thumbnail

Implementing an internal communication video strategy can help keep your remote employees in the right direction, build more significant connections, deliver important information, and save valuable time. 

Let’s explore the benefits internal communication videos offer your business and ways to increase engagement.

What is an internal communication video?

An internal communication video is a video that communicates and provides a flow of information between a business and employees. These videos can create business announcements, share company values, onboard and train new employees, explain a work process, clarify market changes, and underline corporate policies.

Why is video important for internal communication?

Sometimes employees don’t have time to read through long emails or attend scheduled meetings. Instead, short-form videos can be a more robust form of communication. 

Videos can even replace online meeting software as they can be watched, rewatched, and packed with important information. Even complex ideas can be easier to digest and explain through memorable videos. 

Take a look at our top six reasons how video can help your company’s internal communication. 

1. Company core values video

Making a core values video is a great way to convey company values, share why your business exists and how employees work together. This is an essential video to add to the onboarding process for any new starters.

2. Culture and recruitment video

Recruitment videos are effective in demonstrating your company's culture and personality to potential employees. You can collaborate with the rest of the company to create fun recruitment videos, helping team members feel valued. 

Let’s say your business was recruiting for a mobile app developer to create IoT applications. You could gather existing developers in similar areas of expertise to talk about their current projects. What they say about working in the business is a good reflection of your culture.

3. Onboarding and training video

Internal communication videos are ideal for onboarding new employees and training existing ones. The videos help create structure and templated processes your business operates on and ensure that every employee receives the same information. 

A fun way to use video for onboarding is to ask employees to record a brief intro video to share with the team. It’s perfect for remote employees as well. Host onboarding videos in a centrally-accessible location for new employees to access at their leisure.

4. Explainer videos

Explainer videos are ideal for conveying information to multiple employees all at once. Instead of hosting a team or company meeting, explainer videos can showcase a new service, product demo video, or explain new features. Using video allows employees to rewatch content if they’ve missed information on the first viewing. 

5. Troubleshooting videos

Resolve common queries in the workplace with internal communication videos. You can easily create dedicated videos explaining how to self-serve a typical issue, minimizing search time. Many frequently asked questions can be answered and posted to an employee forum to help new and existing employees overcome any questions. 

6. Project summary videos

Project summary videos can help educate different teams within the same company and keep them updated. Videos can cover business results, business impact, and the significance for external stakeholders. Screen recording videos work well with project summaries to walk your team through the main project points and key takeaways. 

Project summaries as internal communication videos provide employees with good opportunities for recognition and can reduce silos in the workplace. 

Tips for creating internal communication videos

Internal communication videos should be engaging, easy to understand, enjoyable, and high-quality. Define the objective of your video and keep your takeaway message clear and direct. Don’t be shy to drift away from your script, as internal communication videos don't always need to be formal. Choose a quiet, well-lit location if you’re recording videos from the office or home. Employees must be able to see your face or object clearly. 

Once internal communication videos are published, don’t forget to check out the video metrics on your chosen platform. You can gather helpful information on your videos like view counts, replays, and what devices your employees are using. You might also discover certain sections of your videos are often replayed by viewers more than once. Video metrics help improve future content and tailor videos for your audience. 

Make videos to help your business today

Whether you’re looking to help employees understand a product, remind them of policies or company culture, or give them a sense of purpose, internal video communication videos can benefit any business. 

Create engaging and memorable internal communication videos with Clipchamp’s free online video editor. 

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